MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
END Gaming ZRP

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  Nikko's Application
Posted by: Nikko - 07-11-2015, 10:22 PM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (1)

RP Name:
Steam Name (at present)Big Grin3 | Nikko
Steam ID (eg: STEAM_1:2:3456789): STEAM_0:0:39381971

Country of Residence: United States of America.
Languages I can 'meet & greet' in: English, And very little Arabic.
Languages I am fluent in: English

My (written) English on a scale of 1-10: 9.9

My Date of Birth: December 27, 1999
Current Education (if applicable): currently attending high school as a Junior in the Junior ROTC program.

Do you have a microphone? Yes.

Describe yourself & your personality in 150 characters: I am a type of person that would protect a friend if they are in trouble or a person that is being made fun of. A person that knows the true meaning of being a friend. I am, In my opinion, Fun to be with, respectful, Disciplined. Do what I am asked to do.

Section 2: Experience Profile
This section tells you about my experience with communities.
I've played Garry's Mod for quite some time, I've played multiple servers, as well as own one. When I first join a server, I usually get to know the community as well as the staff as best as I can. And if I am lucky, I meet the owner and become good friends with them. I am friendly with the community.
Communities I have administrated/moderated in the past:
I've moderated Gworlds as well as administrated, Administrated Triflux military rp, and senior administrated Triflux. I've taken watch over multiple server's while the owner was gone for either vacation, or reasons unknown.

My Summary of 'Zombie RP' and the basic rules in at least 100 words:
Do not RDM (random death match)
Do not NLR ( New Life Rule)
Do not prop-block ( Don't cover any entrance with a prop to a point a player cannot enter or exit)
Must respect all staff members.
Do not threaten the server in anyway such as: "I am going to DDOS the server" or "I'm gonna hack to a point no one can play correctly".
Must not harass anyone in any way.
Do not prob abuse: prop kill, Prop surf.
No inappropriate sprays (porn, Anything that may be disturbing to the community)
Only players with the job "thief" or "ganster" in there name.
Do not exploit glitches.
May not kill in spawn or spawn camp. Goes for tribal spawn as well.
Do not impersonate and staff member, Including pretending to be the owner..

How long I have played Garry's Mod:
I have played Garry's Mod for about, I wanna say since Garry's Mod 10.
How long I have played a RP Gamemode, such as DarkRP, ZombieRP, PERP, etc.(approximately):For about 2-4 years, Back when Just for Fun Gaming was around
How long I have played at E.N.D. Gaming (approximately):I would want to say around 2 and a half to 3 and a half weeks.

How long I can play the server for per week (approximately): A week, 105 hours.

How long I pledge to play as 'Staff on Duty' for per week (approximately):75 hours a week.

Section 3: Relationship with Users
This section tells you about how I will communicate with other users and present myself in the public.

Why is it important to give respect to our patrons, even if they don't respect you? (at least 50 words) I believe it is important to give respect to our patrons, Even if they do not respect you back because, If I were to give disrespect to a patron, They can start to: 1, Disrespect the community, 2: Give the server a bad word, Or even convince others not to donate to the community as well as tell them: " Don't play on this server, the staff there is disrespectful.." If we do not give respect they will not give respect back or give us a good word.

Why is it important to use correct grammar in the public? (at least 50 words)
I think it is important to use correct grammar in public so that people know that you are smart, and people in the community or public can take you seriously, and not treat you differently than others, ( not saying they should treat anyone differently, Everyone is equal.)
In a democratic environment, why is it important to respect everyone's opinion? (at least 25 words) So that no arguments start, everyone is calm, and you can settle manners correctly. No fights will start, As well as ruin friendships. Everything is under control.

How will I aim to maintain professionalism everywhere?
Take things seriously, Take the job seriously, As well enforce the rules as best as I can. But treat people the same and have fun with them. NO one will take you seriously if you do not be professional.

Section 4: My Past
This section discusses bans I have had in the past (if any) and what I have done to ensure that I no longer infringe upon the rules.

If you have never been punished for in game/forum offenses - please skip this section.

How many times have you been banned/warned before?
On this server, ZRP. I have never been banned or warned. But I can say on other servers i have been warn only once.
If you have, please explain what happened.
On this one server military rp, The concept was to give other fraction if you were in war. The commander declared war on another fraction, I killed a few players, then went AFK. When I returned, I did not know that the commander called the war off. keep in mind i was gone for about 10 min. So I went out and killed more players. I got pulled by an admin and was warned for my mistakes. But i learned from them.

Why I now realize that it is important to have strong knowledge of the rules and follow them religiously: So that you can enforce them to other players if they broke the rules, and it is good for you to remember them just in case you break a rule.

Section 5: My knowledge of the rules
This section explains the RP rules.

What is RDM? Give an example.
Random death match. I come on the server, pull out a gun, and randomly kill anyone I see. Including the one's in spawn
What is NLR? Give an example.
New Life Rule. I killed a player in a building, When he dies, he has no memory of when he died, how he died or where he died. He starts a whole new life. He can return to a building after a certain amount of time. Depending on how long the NLR is.
What is Prop Abuse? Give an example.
Prop abuse can be expressed in many ways. A few ways is prop-block. I would take a prop and block every entrance way and exit so that people cannot enter or exit. Another example would be prop climb, and prop surf.

Section 6: Why I should be a staff member:
This section is me selling myself to you for my qualities and promises on how I will moderate effectively and fairly.

Why would I be unique in what I do? (40 words minimum)
In my opinion, Others may say differently. I would be unique because, I would enforce the rules as best as I can. And will get rid of any serious rule breakers. I would stay staff on duty, and help any new player get used to the community as well as get used to how to play ZRP correctly.
Why the community would appreciate & trust me in this role (60 words minimum):
I believe that the community would appreciate me and trust me because, I am honest, hard working, and will devote time into the server as well as help it the best way I can. Will show best dedication to our community in all ways. Would show my best respect to staff as well as treat everyone equally.

If I could make a change to E.N.D. Gaming, it would be: To me, I would not change anything on the server. Everything is perfect, This server has great staff members, The RDM's are being handled as fast as possible, The only thing I would change is, where some roles spawn. Like the combine should spawn in a different place than scavengers.

Any other comments, etc:
I have gotten into a problem with a player known as norman, He has claimed that i have harrased him, By showing his face and personal information. I can 100% assure you that, that is not true. I can get witnesses to back my up on this statement. I have also been told that norman has told other admins/ staff members that when I owned my own server, I always abused my power, And I am a "Dick" as he said in his own words. I can assure you this is not true what so ever. I am a respectful person and professional. Norman was talking about my little brother, and well as sending me "Sexual moans and groans". I am just giving you this information to back up my case, Because norman has told lies. If you would like to speak with me about this case, You can pm me Via Steam. Thanks. :mrgreen:

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  A few recommendations
Posted by: Awesomefrog - 07-11-2015, 10:54 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)


Mayor - The leader of a survivor/non-tribal settlement. Perhaps they can ally a settlement with the resistance or the combine, which guarantees no raids from said ally. Player model Breen(?) Perhaps level 35 or 45?

Sheriff - Keeps the peace in the mayor's settlement and keeps an eye on tribal/undead threats and crime. Player model Lucas Simms (if possible) or Combine super soldier model (?) Perhaps level 20 or 25?

Other ideas:
Wire mod
Mining or new industries both legal/illegal
Some additional tools, maybe a ladder maker, tools for creative building

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Posted by: Killfair - 07-11-2015, 04:53 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (1)

Hello I am Killfair. I have been playing E.N.D. for about a week now. I love to roleplay and I hate combine. I like zombies, building and women.

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  Count to a 1000
Posted by: Killfair - 07-11-2015, 04:42 AM - Forum: Forum Games - Replies (13)


No double posting.
No images or fancy crap.
No fancy or crazy text wrap formats.


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  How to make loads of ¢a$h on ZombieRP!
Posted by: Killfair - 07-11-2015, 04:32 AM - Forum: Guides - Replies (3)

How to make Loads of Cash Quick on ZombieRP! (In Steps)

1. (For Starters) Kill zombies and make enough money to buy good printers.

2. (For Starters) Make a good base and farm printer cash.[/color] *Don't start off by selling as a supplier, Unless people are willing to buy guns for expensive prices![/color]

3. OIL, OIL, OIL! Farming! Base near a oil merchants and wait till they want to buy oil around the range of $800-$999

Using these simple tests and you can make loads of money! ENJOY!

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  Tyrone C Picker
Posted by: NoLife - 07-11-2015, 12:26 AM - Forum: Appeals - Replies (2)

Reason for ban: "Abusing Mod"~Joda

What happened, or at least what I think he's annoyed about:
I gave Starh (AKA Nicolas Cage, a Donator ranked on server) a Lightsaber upon spawn, as his Custom Class's weapon was removed from the server. He held his rank, his job, but not his weapon. I attempted to Contact Joda before this, but he was asleep or elsewhere for the hours this occurred. So I compromised and gave him the Lightsaber. I thought this was a simple temporary solution to a semi-long-term problem. Upon Joda's return I would tell him about the broken class and what I did to compensate for the time being. Went to sleep about 12:30pm Central, Joda came back around 1pm, as seen from his PM's to me on Skype.
[1:18:50 PM] Yukimura Fuyuko: don't spawn people weapons
[1:18:55 PM] Yukimura Fuyuko: good way to get demoted
[1:18:56 PM] Yukimura Fuyuko: and banned
[1:18:59 PM] Yukimura Fuyuko: and permed
Again, I thought this was a temporary solution to a problem Joda would solve. This wasn't me spawning weapons in for a friend or myself for the hell of it. Starh only got that much. He asked for other weapons and noclip on occasion, and I never gave them, as I was not doing this simply for him asking me to do it.

I believe his argument with HP is a separate issue, wherein I am on HP's side. Starh did act antagonistic and intrusive, even damaging the person in HP's sit. In this appeal, I am not defending those actions. I am giving reason to my own. His rank, his custom class, and the deleted weapon herein the class was why I did so. I explained this to HP as well at the time. Starh tells me HP spawned Lightsabers for him after I left. I doubt this is true, as HP did not want to be involved with Starh.

Addon, after some reading: The Lightsaber isn't supposed to be in the server anymore. I was unaware of this. Whether Joda is more annoyed with the act of spawning a weapons as a temporary solution to a missing weapon on a class or the literal spawning of a weapon that was meant to be removed, I do not know.

Why I won't do it again:
Was it the spawning of a weapon in place of a missing one the issue, or the spawning of a weapon that was meant to not exist anymore?
I need that question answered. If it's the act of spawning a weapon, regardless of scenario... I would disagree on principle, but understand. If it was the Starh scenario that was the issue, I would understand, not defend myself, and take the hit. If it was the Lightsaber being the issue, I would plead ignorance, as I did not know it wasn't meant to exist.

If someone is RDM'd, or loses a weapon in some non-RP way (And only if I KNOW it was RDM or non-RP reasons, I don't give things on a whim), I will spawn it for them. I spawned the Lightsaber based on this principle. If Mods are not allowed to do that, I was not told or otherwise informed, it was an open option to me. I did no more than this, so I did not view it as abuse. Correct me where I am wrong.

As for Starh's issues with HP, I only tried to pull back Starh from seeking to argue; I did not defend his actions. I agreed with some things he said, as I did with HP. My opinion was HP was correct in his actions, Starh was being intrusive and damaged the Sit'd player. From that alone, disregarding the later arguments worsening the issue, HP was justified. Any video recorded at the time, as Starh said he did and I believe HP did, would back my opinion on this. Unrelated to my ban, as far as I know, but I know it's a point of interest of the previous night.

To avoid future issues like this, I'd like a Staff Rank Permissions Thread, showing which permissions are allowed to which ranks.

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  My wonderful ban appeal.
Posted by: Starh - 07-10-2015, 11:30 PM - Forum: Appeals - Replies (4)

My in game name is Oh Cupcakes.

Reason I got banned: For being an ass hole, and baited a staff for which should've been on my custom job although I thought I had 2 jobs as Oh Rockits and Reaper Skin.
I explained to JoDa (the guy who banned me aka the owner)
Never tell your password to anyone.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Starh <3 Bans: Joda
Yuki F: wat
Starh <3 Bans: The VIP's trucks are broken.
Starh <3 Bans: When you hop out, then re-enter it puts you in the passanger side.
Starh <3 Bans: Also it's very complicated to get inside them.
Yuki F: and?
Yuki F: You got permed
Starh <3 Bans: 0_0
Yuki F: I really didn't appreciate you baiting a mod to break the rules
Starh <3 Bans: HP?
Yuki F: no
Starh <3 Bans: Killfair?
Yuki F: tyrone:?
Yuki F: he's permed too
Starh <3 Bans: I baitied kill fair?
Yuki F: I have chat logs you know
Yuki F: tyrone*
Starh <3 Bans: Of course I know.
Starh <3 Bans: I never baited Tyrone.
Starh <3 Bans: And if I did.
Starh <3 Bans: Why the hell is he banned? He literally did nothing wrong.
Yuki F: he spawned you a weapon that isn't in the jail
Yuki F: in the game*
Yuki F: multiple times
Starh <3 Bans: A light saber
Yuki F: Part of the reason you're permed is your personality
Yuki F: part of it is the baiting
Yuki F: part of it is shit on the old server
Starh <3 Bans: I never baited a staff.
Yuki F: You asked him to spawn you a weapon
Starh <3 Bans: Yes
Starh <3 Bans: And?
Starh <3 Bans: My custom job didn't have a weapon
Yuki F: so?
Starh <3 Bans: I paid for one that did.
Yuki F: that wouldn't have been available anyway
Starh <3 Bans: Well, you didn't reply to my messages so how did I know?
Yuki F: I was asleep
Yuki F: derp
Yuki F: went to sleep about this time
Starh <3 Bans: Okay, still you don't have the right for saying I baited him for just asking for a light saber.
Starh <3 Bans: The weapon is shitty anyways. All I did is jump around.
Yuki F: What do you mean "right"?
Starh <3 Bans: I'm saying you really can't say I baited him.
Starh <3 Bans: For a fucking weapon
Yuki F: I actually can
Starh <3 Bans: That I should of had on my custom job.
Starh <3 Bans: That's fucking retarded Joda.
Yuki F: plus
Yuki F: donator carried over from the old server
Yuki F: so could some offenses
Yuki F: that weren't brought to light
Starh <3 Bans: It's not like I was massive rdming. The only peopled I killed are machine, killfair, norman, and Sliq I believe his name is. And we were all having a good fight.
Yuki F: not what I mean
Yuki F: I'm not going to argue about this
Yuki F: You were banned for rule C15
Yuki F: if nothing else
Starh <3 Bans: I am because I spent around $100
Yuki F: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Yuki F: I can just block you then
Yuki F: lol
Yuki F: and delete
Yuki F: I need space on my steam
Yuki F: keep getting full lists
Starh <3 Bans: I'll be sure to get staff on the millitary rp.
Starh <3 Bans: Because they won't ban me for no fucking reason.
Yuki F: Okay
Starh <3 Bans: Ad perma?
Starh <3 Bans: Really?
Yuki F: Yes
Yuki F: Your personality is toxic
Yuki F: toxicity of that level
Yuki F: should not be allowed on any server
Starh <3 Bans: All I do is play around on your server. I'm fucking tired I stayed up all fucking night is to farm.
Yuki F: but sadly is most of the time
Starh <3 Bans: How the fuck was I toxic.
Yuki F: Not that way
Yuki F: You feel entitled
Yuki F: it's hard for me to explain
Yuki F: so
Starh <3 Bans: Being banned for baiting a fucking staff? Wrong. I never had a fucking gun like I paid for. I also was missing my other custom job.
Yuki F: I labled it as c15
Starh <3 Bans: I'm not being an ass hole.
Yuki F: lel
Yuki F: so
Starh <3 Bans: Joda, you banning me for being Toxic. I never yelled at you today. I was completely calm and just told you bugs. I even apologized to HP.
Yuki F: getting a staff member permed for no reason
Starh <3 Bans: That's not my choice
Yuki F: was not toxic?
Starh <3 Bans: That's yours.
Yuki F: You had him spawn weapons
Yuki F: I permed dale for that
Starh <3 Bans: Joda
Yuki F: well
Starh <3 Bans: Your not reading.
Yuki F: not just spawn weapons
Yuki F: but possibly put non available weapons into circulation
Yuki F: what?
Starh <3 Bans: Okay, you are aware the light saber does 35 damage, you should also know the only thing I would do is jump with it.
Yuki F: also can set people on fire
Yuki F: lel
Yuki F: appeal on the forums
Yuki F: not here
Starh <3 Bans: I don't know how to do that, I only know left click and right click.
Starh <3 Bans: What is the difference?
Yuki F: Forums are public
Yuki F: appealing in a private chat isn't the best idea imo
Yuki F: since I already announced this stuff
Starh <3 Bans: I don't care for the fucking forums. I care about a) getting my fucking money back b) Being able to use my VIP.
Yuki F: though
Yuki F: get shinoda to do it
Yuki F: I say no
Yuki F: shinoda, bats, izzy
Starh <3 Bans: How about Hades?
Yuki F: hades is no longer the right rank
Starh <3 Bans: Also
Yuki F: oh
Yuki F: bobby too
Yuki F: aka pandasauce
Starh <3 Bans: Mods should not have the power to spawn weapons, espically if you can't use a light saber.
Yuki F: I had that available for one day
Yuki F: due to my being exhausted from over 30 hours of staying up
Yuki F: already fixed it today
Starh <3 Bans: Maybe you should make that rule 1) number 1. Instead of hiding that bs.
Yuki F: it isn't hidden
Yuki F: the rules are there in the order I thought of them
Starh <3 Bans: Yeah and that rule is retarded.
Starh <3 Bans: And you banning Tyrone?
Starh <3 Bans: Was that neccesary?
Yuki F: to be honest
Yuki F: he's the only one I was planning to unban
Yuki F: if appealed
Starh <3 Bans: Why not give him a warning.
Starh <3 Bans: Just like you did to me.
Yuki F: I banned you
Yuki F: not warning
Yuki F: brb

Apparently I got one of my friends banned for giving me a weapon that mods should not have access too, and also he gave me a weapon like I said should've been on my custom class he gave me a light saber which does 34 damage a hit, and I really didn't use it. HP, Tyrone, and Killfair knew that they knew I just jump around with it. And if you can't use a light saber why are there pointless downloads? A simple warning would of done the job, they are mods they are learning your expectations.

Why I won't do it again: Well if there is a weapon on my custom class I won't need to do it again.... And for being an ass, which I wasn't to JoDa as you can see at the copy and paste right above. Which also leads me to unbanning Tyrone, because he literally did nothing wrong, all he did is give me a weapon that he SHOULD NOT have access too because my job did not have a single weapon other then a shitty machete and a light saber does the same exact damage just a cooler color and you can jump higher and further (Which I loved when I was a staff on Toshiro with the parachutes).

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  Hellhound122's application
Posted by: hellhound122 - 07-08-2015, 09:29 AM - Forum: Denied - No Replies

Section 1: Credentials
This section tells you about who I am.

RP Name: [Athiest] Hellhound122
Steam Name (at present): HellHound122
Steam ID (eg: STEAM_1:2:3456789): STEAM_0:0:44365790

Country of Residence:United states
Languages I can 'meet & greet' in:English and partial Russian
Languages I am fluent in: English

My (written) English on a scale of 1-10: 8.5

My Date of Birth: 3-7-01
Current Education (if applicable): 9th grade

Do you have a microphone?Yes

Describe yourself & your personality in 150 characters: I have the tendency to loose my cool. But I always quickly pull myself back. I love to have fun with my friends, and I try not to take it too far. I enjoy Garry's mod and pretty much anything post apocalyptic.
Section 2: Experience Profile
This section tells you about my experience with communities.

Communities I have administrated/moderated in the past:
Modified gaming (Administration)
All other servers I have been administration on I prefer not to list because the owners weren't mature and where disrespectful to their staff.

My Summary of 'Zombie RP' and the basic rules in at least 100 words:
post apocalyptic rp, you survive, you stay away from people you don't know. Or you take risks and trust people...But with every fun gamemode comes rules! You should respect players, you should have a reason to kill, and never revenge rdm. you shouldnt abuse props, ex: throwing or surfing on them.

How long I have played Garry's Mod:2,239
How long I have played a RP Gamemode, such as DarkRP, ZombieRP, PERP, etc.(approximately):2,200
How long I have played at E.N.D. Gaming (approximately):1 day(s) I played bjzrp before it shut down and came back up. for a few months

How long I can play the server for per week (approximately):at least 6 days a week.

How long I pledge to play as 'Staff on Duty' for per week (approximately): 45-65 hours.
Section 3: Relationship with Users
This section tells you about how I will communicate with other users and present myself in the public.

Why is it important to give respect to our patrons, even if they don't respect you? (at least 50 words)
To show professionalism, and to show that E.N.D gaming staff respects all players no matter what, because even one staff member can represent the whole server and make it look bad in some situations. To represent that E.N.D gaming is a community, and we respect others, even if they disrespect us. Everybody hits a rough part in their day and can be a little disrespectful.

Why is it important to use correct grammar in the public? (at least 50 words)

I need to be fluent with my grammar to explain rules and conduct. To show that I am educated and capable of creating a punctual sentence. For example I wont say your I would say you're breaking (rule goes here) and I wouldn't say you're friend is constantly breaking rules.

In a democratic environment, why is it important to respect everyone's opinion? (at
least 25 words)

To make all players feel welcomed, and respected to the server. The E.N.D Gaming staff must respect all players, their opinions, and their beliefs. Even if I believe its wrong.

How will I aim to maintain professionalism everywhere?
I will not feel offended and I will not side with my friends in any situation. I will hear both sides and favor neither, I will punish anybody if needed. If somebody asks to be banned I will not ban them unless they break rules. If somebody appears to know nothing around the rules I will explain many of the ones they broke to them and request that they read the motd. I will try to set an example.
Section 4: Told to skip
Section 5: My knowledge of the rules
This section explains the RP rules.

What is RDM? Give an example.
Random Death Match, for example. you are a combine, you walk to a scavenger and kill them, thats RDM, now if you are a combine and kill resistance, it is not RDM, the reason is justified.
What is NLR? Give an example.
Going back to the place in which you died to take revenge against the person that killed you. you can not go back for 3 min.
What is Prop Abuse? Give an example.
prop surfing and prop killing, standing on a prop and using it to move around, get over a wall and such (prop surfing). Throwing props at players or zombies to kill them (prop killing).
Section 6: Why I should be a staff member:
This section is me selling myself to you for my qualities and promises on how I will moderate effectively and fairly.

Why would I be unique in what I do? (40 words minimum)
I have seen staff abuse and try to do the exact opposite, I always try to better the players, the community, and the staff. I'm usually nice and let people off easy first time but if they continue I proceed more strictly, because when I give someone a chance, and they blow it it personally makes me upset, I don't like it.
Why the community would appreciate & trust me in this role (60 words minimum):
I respect all players choices and will hear everybody out, I love making friends. I'm nice to players and staff and will work my hardest to better the community. I want to be an example for other staff members and players to follow.
If I could make a change to E.N.D. Gaming, it would be: Have a more active community.

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  Killfair's Application
Posted by: Killfair - 07-08-2015, 03:40 AM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (2)

Section 1: Credentials
This section tells you about who I am.

RP Name: Killfair
Steam Name (at present): Ҝ׀ℓℓƒÄ׀я
Steam ID (eg: STEAM_1:2:3456789): STEAM_0:0:80296779

Country of Residence: US
Languages I can 'meet & greet' in: English & Spanish
Languages I am fluent in: English

My (written) English on a scale of 1-10: 8

My Date of Birth: 2/16/2000
Current Education (if applicable): 10th

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Describe yourself & your personality in 150 characters: I like to get creative in Garry's Mod and roleplay. I like to staff and contribute in making a server fun and safe. I want to give me and the players a fun experience. Big Grin . I try to explain things as clean as possible.

Section 2: Experience Profile
This section tells you about my experience with communities.

Communities I have administrated/moderated in the past:
(LNG) Late Night Gaming as an Admin
(GW) Gworlds as an Super Admin
(SUP) Superior Servers as an Admin
(TSG) Thunderstruckgaming as an Server Manager
My Summary of 'Zombie RP' and the basic rules in at least 100 words:
Survive as long as you can, become a notable well being in a role playing state. Make money, start an organization or a group. Be apart of an event and join the Resistances today! or maybe Combines.  Don't RDM, NLR, RDA, ect. (General Roleplay rules). Follow you're job descriptions and stay to you're role playing tasks. Some other basic rules on the server is no self supply, You may not raid when their is a building sign, You can't raid the same base for more than 10 min. Do not disrespect admins, do not annoying other people by spamming, no one way props.
How long I have played Garry's Mod: 1,785 hours.
How long I have played a RP Gamemode, such as DarkRP, ZombieRP, PERP, etc.(approximately): 1,750 hours.
How long I have played at E.N.D. Gaming (approximately): 4 days

How long I can play the server for per week (approximately): Usually 7 days a week, But If I have something coming up maybe 4 days a week. I play almost all day! 80% active of the time

How long I pledge to play as 'Staff on Duty' for per week (approximately):
I can't be precise, but as in days maybe 8 hours. In total week as a guess 56~66 hours a week.

Section 3: Relationship with Users
This section tells you about how I will communicate with other users and present myself in the public.

Why is it important to give respect to our patrons, even if they don't respect you? (at least 50 words)

Its important to give respect because I would be responsible for actions taken in sits and I must be a good example to others on the server. Its not good to be disrespectful to someone who disrespects me, because It wouldn't be good for the community and If I would be disrespectful to others, then It would ruin my reputation and people's thoughts on the server.

Why is it important to use correct grammar in the public? (at least 50 words)

Its important to use correct grammar because you have to be fluent and clear with what you're trying to explain. Using good grammar people can reflect on what you're personality might be. If you're not using good grammar, then people might have a different perspective towards you and people won't be able to understand you.

In a democratic environment, why is it important to respect everyone's opinion? (at least 25 words)

Its important to respect everyone's opinions because in this environment today, you have to be more open to things and If you don't like other people's opinions just don't say anything about it. Everyone should be equal no matter what power position you're in. If someone is trying to make someone feel lower because of someones opinions and matters, then that's someone will be a no one in the long run. Karma as some people believe.

How will I aim to maintain professionalism everywhere?

In a situation of staffing, I would need to listen to both sides of an argument and not getting myself into trouble. To maintain professionalism you have to use you're powers with sense. If you ban/kick someone who didn't know what they were doing, just give them a verbal warning. If someone was to be trolling and asking for a ban and not caring, then my actions would be to watch them carefully and if they do what they mean, then I can use their rule breaking actions against them.

Section 4 was said to be IGNORED.

Section 5: My knowledge of the rules
This section explains the RP rules.

What is RDM? Give an example.

Random Death Match, For example you're a zombie hunter and you just kill a shop dealer for no reason, you are just violating the rules. If you are playing in a job which has an active war of some sort like Resistance or Combine, then you are valid to kill each other.

What is NLR? Give an example.

New Life Rule, this apply's in almost every role play server. If you die from something, you must forget everything that ever happened. You cannot go back to the same area for 5 min.

What is Prop Abuse? Give an example.

Prop abuse is when someone is using props to a breaking the rules advantage. For example prop surfing and prop killing, is against the rules and can be used against you if you did do those actions.

Section 6: Why I should be a staff member:
This section is me selling myself to you for my qualities and promises on how I will moderate effectively and fairly.

Why would I be unique in what I do? (40 words minimum)

As a spectator I've seen staffs abuse and do things that they're not applicable to do. I would be using my power's as a responsibility. Having powers is not a gift its a privilege. Having almost years of experience of being staff in different communities, I gain knowledge through my experience, I become a staff because I want this server to be notable and I want people to know how good the experience can be. I like to influence people to do more than sit around. I'd like to be active on the forums and the server. I like to dedicate my time in giving people a good time.

Why the community would appreciate & trust me in this role (60 words minimum):

I know most of the rules by hand and I can follow simple instructions. I feel like I should be trusted because I'm an experienced staff of many past communities and I'd like to show why I would dedicate time into this community. I'm always like to be honest and I don't just do things because I have to. I do things because I want to. I want to be notable and I've seen in past experiences staffs, who just do their jobs. I'm hoping for the best experience for everyone on this server. Big Grin

If I could make a change to E.N.D. Gaming, it would be:

To have E.N.D Gaming use the forums more. To have events to get player's to stay and enjoy this wonderful community.

Any other comments, etc: Reference: *xXxXHPXxXx*

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  Corrupted Treefrog's Moderator Application!
Posted by: CorruptedTreefrog - 07-06-2015, 09:05 PM - Forum: Denied - Replies (1)

Section 1: Credentials
This section tells you about who I am.

RP Name:
Steam Name (at present):-=UNG=-CorruptedTreefrog
Steam ID (eg: STEAM_1:2:3456789):STEAM_0:0:77156942

Country of Residence:Canada
Languages I can 'meet & greet' in:French,Vietnamese and English.
Languages I am fluent in:English

My (written) English on a scale of 1-10:7-10

My Date of Birth:November 18th 2001
Current Education (if applicable):Grade level is 8, being promoted to 9.

Do you have a microphone?:yes

Describe yourself & your personality in 150 characters:
I am a strong and independant man who will do anything to game. I am very creative when it comes to ideas and other matters. Im very kind towards others and a very horrible comedian.

Section 2: Experience Profile
This section tells you about my experience with communities.

Communities I have administrated/moderated in the past: I have moderated/administrated in two different communities.

My Summary of 'Zombie RP' and the basic rules in at least 100 words:I will be putting this question in point form.
Do not rdm.
Do not be a minge.
Do not prop kill.
Be respectful to all.
Listen to admins.
Do not prop block.
Do not exploit.
Resistance must kos combine and combien must kos resistance.
Tribal must kos all.
If a victim from tribal or resistance or combine are chased into spawn, they are granted to kill them once.
Faction rules do not apply in spawn.

How long I have played Garry's Mod:1000 hours+
How long I have played a RP Gamemode, such as DarkRP, ZombieRP, PERP, etc.(approximately):500 Hours+
How long I have played at E.N.D. Gaming (approximately):300hours+(Since I joined to now is 2 years)

How long I can play the server for per week (approximately):24 hours+(this is during the summer)

How long I pledge to play as 'Staff on Duty' for per week (approximately):15hours+(if a problem is occuring i will get on duty asap to help resolve the problem)

Section 3: Relationship with Users
This section tells you about how I will communicate with other users and present myself in the public.

Why is it important to give respect to our patrons, even if they don't respect you? (at least 50 words):Respect is a privlage that everyone should have, even when it is not given towards you, This shows professionalism and also a polite way to resolve or talk in a converstation. This creates a Respectful and kind atmosphere along with a better relationship with the person and everyone around.

Why is it important to use correct grammar in the public? (at least 50 words):It shows how professional and serious we are about the server rules and other matters. It shows people that we are not little kids who paid for admin but worked towards it and improved our server community with it. This shows that we dont joke around and take everytihng serious as I said before.

In a democratic environment, why is it important to respect everyone's opinion? (at least 25 words):Everyone has different opinions so we must respect each and everyone of them, but there is a point where they are realalistic and make sense and where it doesnt. Someone might of gotten prop killed at the gsa station but they got shot up my a combine at the combine city, this is where opinion 1 doesnt make sense but we still respect it but politely show that it is incorrect.

How will I aim to maintain professionalism everywhere?
I will attempt to talk in and react to every situation calmly and respectivly and be polite to all that I meet even if they are not towards me.

Section 4: My Past
This section discusses bans I have had in the past (if any) and what I have done to ensure that I no longer infringe upon the rules.:i have no bans from this server.(probally joke bans but they dont count Smile

If you have never been punished for in game/forum offenses - please skip this section.

How many times have you been banned/warned before?:

If you have, please explain what happened.

Why I now realize that it is important to have strong knowledge of the rules and follow them religiously:

Why I am sorry, and it will not happen again:

Section 5: My knowledge of the rules
This section explains the RP rules.

What is RDM? Give an example.:Random deathmatch. When I kill someone with no reason to do so.

What is NLR? Give an example.New life rule. When I die but remember my past life and return to my last deathpoint without waiting a certain ammount of time.

What is Prop Abuse? Give an example.
When I run into a base and start building where he was building and run away.

Section 6: Why I should be a staff member:I think i am quallified to become a staff member and help out the server community.
This section is me selling myself to you for my qualities and promises on how I will moderate effectively and fairly.

Why would I be unique in what I do? (40 words minimum):I would be polite and kind to all and show how special I am towards others and myself. I will resolve problems in different ways that work that other admins dont do. This will make people favour or like the way i do things and would mostly have a better and enjoyable time on the server.

Why the community would appreciate & trust me in this role (60 words minimum):The server would aprreciate me because I would not abuse my powers or be rude to anyone as I am a kind and gentle person. I would be funny at times but also perfessional at others, this will make many players time enjoyable and more fun. I think the community should trust me with this role because i think i am responsible enough to handle situations alone. I also think that i should be trusted with this role becasue everytime i go on, people break the rules around me which frustrates me as i cant do anythign about it. This makes me want to become a staff memeber even more.

If I could make a change to E.N.D. Gaming, it would be: Improving the Player community and making it a beter and more enjoyable place!

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