MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
END Gaming ZRP

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  Application for Moderator (finished)
Posted by: JamesBoss01 - 01-20-2016, 02:24 PM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (1)

Section 1: Credentials

This section tells you about who I am.

RP Name: Jamesboss01
Steam Name (at present): Jamesboss01
Steam ID (eg: STEAM_1:2:3456789): STEAM_0:0:132885642

Country of Residence:
Languages I can 'meet & greet' in: English
Languages I am fluent in: English

My (written) English on a scale of 1-10: 9

My Date of Birth: 6/10/99
Current Education (if applicable): High School

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Describe yourself & your personality in 150 characters: I am Funny, Kind, cheerful, brave, clean, loyal, helpful, and reverent. I'm really easy to get along with. I am good with people for the simple fact that i like to make jokes for no reason. I don't really care about how people think of me as long as i get everything done, but with doing a mile more.

Section 2: Experience Profile
This section tells you about my experience with communities.

Communities I have administrated/moderated in the past: I have been an admin for a year in one server

My Summary of 'Zombie RP' and the basic rules in at least 100 words:   Zombie survival is based on surviving on this magical land named zombie pit of hell. There is tons of levels, different jobs, and different rules for each zombie server. In most zombie RP servers you need a specific level to be a certain job. To obtain a new level, you would have to kill zombies to gain XP. You could just start a colony and take on the stragglers from the wasteland, OR you can be a demonic demon who destroys everyone and everyone dies. All in all its a perfect combination of Action & Adventure and best of all fun.

How long I have played Garry's Mod: 739 hrs on record
How long I have played a RP Gamemode, such as DarkRP, ZombieRP, PERP, etc.(approximately): A month and a half
How long I have played at E.N.D. Gaming (approximately): for a half a month total

How long I can play the server for per week (approximately): 6 or more hours

How long I pledge to play as 'Staff on Duty' for per week (approximately): as long as i can mostly 6 or more hours

Section 3: Relationship with Users

This section tells you about how I will communicate with other users and present myself in the public.

Why is it important to give respect to our patrons, even if they don't respect you? (at least 50 words) Its important to respect our patrons because it shows a sign of an good example about the server we love. It shows a sign of respect to our community. This is my code of conduct as in respect others the way you want to be treated. Most importantly it shows maturity.

Why is it important to use correct grammar in the public? (at least 50 words) So we do not misunderstand what I say in the server. Grammar is also a key asset in talking and when your in a sit confusion is not really tolerated. All in all a formal conversation goes a lot farther than one you spell "No." as "NIEN" Using correct grammar also usually means you have a higher education.
In a democratic environment, why is it important to respect everyone's opinion? (at least 25 words) There opinions aren't but sometimes they are, no opinion is better than another. Its better to have an opinion from everyone, instead of a dictator. #dontvotefordonaldtrump 

How will I aim to maintain professionalism everywhere? I will maintain by helping out anyone who needs it, and put order in who is right and who is wrong.

Section 4: My Past
This section discusses bans I have had in the past (if any) and what I have done to ensure that I no longer infringe upon the rules.

If you have never been punished for in game/forum offenses - please skip this section.

How many times have you been banned/warned before? 3 at the most

If you have, please explain what happened. Rdm, Prop abuse, and NLR.

Why I now realize that it is important to have strong knowledge of the rules and follow them religiously: Without rules it is a chaotic world among us.

Why I am sorry, and it will not happen again: I am sorry for Rdming, Prop abuse NLRing. This will not happen again

Section 5: My knowledge of the rules
This section explains the RP rules.

What is RDM? Give an example. When you kill a person for no reason. Ex "killed someone in spawn for fun"

What is NLR? Give an example.  New Life Rule is when you are reincarnated and don't know what happened for 3 mins. Ex " I have died so I do not know anything, 3 mins later I have remembered the past.

What is Prop Abuse? Give an example. Prop abuse is when your using props as for flying, killing and blocking people and doors. Ex "Some one prop killed by using the bathtub."

Section 6: Why I should be a staff member:
This section is me selling myself to you for my qualities and promises on how I will moderate effectively and fairly.

Why would I be unique in what I do? (40 words minimum) I am dedicated and well know how to work out mod commands and instructions. I am an easy learner at all times. I love to solve problems that are not my personal problems. Mostly i am best at helping and try to solve problems.

Why the community would appreciate & trust me in this role (60 words minimum): I have helped many people without being a mod and would do so much better with being a staff member. I make no exceptions and i get my work done fast. I also have been staff on other servers as well. and I actually know pretty much a lot of the players, and a lot of people know me as well.

If I could make a change to E.N.D. Gaming, it would be: Making it easy for other staff to relax and chill.

Any other comments, etc: If there is anything else please notify me from the server or my steam.

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  Deathkiller3434's Staff application
Posted by: deathkiller3434 - 01-20-2016, 03:09 AM - Forum: Denied - Replies (1)

Section 1: Credentials
This section tells you about who I am.

RP Name:
Steam Name (at present): Deathkiller3434
Steam ID (eg: STEAM_1:2:3456789):<STEAM_0:1:55858582> 

Country of Residence:Texas
Languages I can 'meet & greet' in:English And Spanish
Languages I am fluent in:English and Spanish

My (written) English on a scale of 1-10:10

My Date of Birth:4-1-2003
Current Education (if applicable):Middle School 7th Grade

Do you have a microphone?Yes.

Describe yourself & your personality in 150 characters:I am Nice,Pretty strict,funny, But im strict when it comes to an
admin sit and i will respond to every report there is.

Section 2: Experience Profile
This section tells you about my experience with communities.

Communities I have administrated/moderated in the past:I have not been a moderator on any community.

My Summary of 'Zombie RP' and the basic rules in at least 100 words:ZombieRP is a zombie survival based game,Multiple levels,diffrents jobs, and diffrent rules.
There are diffrent type of zombies posion zombies,running zombies,and slow zombies.In most zombierp servers you need a specific level to be a certain job.

How long I have played Garry's Mod:728 Hours
How long I have played a RP Gamemode, such as DarkRP, ZombieRP, PERP, etc.(approximately):120 Hours
How long I have played at E.N.D. Gaming (approximately):27 Hours

How long I can play the server for per week (approximately):6 hrs

How long I pledge to play as 'Staff on Duty' for per week (approximately):5-6 Hours

Section 3: Relationship with Users
This section tells you about how I will communicate with other users and present myself in the public.

Why is it important to give respect to our patrons, even if they don't respect you? (at least 50 words)You still have to respect him even though he disrespect's you cause you still need to set a good example about the server.

Why is it important to use correct grammar in the public? (at least 50 words)Because people might not know what you are saying and it can be hard for people to understand what your saying during an admin sit if your chatting.

In a democratic environment, why is it important to respect everyone's opinion? (at least 25 words)Because its important to recspect everyones opinion even though you dont really care about it.

How will I aim to maintain professionalism everywhere? Ill be devoted on doing my duty as a staff and only think bout that mainly then anything else.

Section 4: My Past
This section discusses bans I have had in the past (if any) and what I have done to ensure that I no longer infringe upon the rules.

If you have never been punished for in game/forum offenses - please skip this section.

How many times have you been banned/warned before?I have been warned 2 times

If you have, please explain what happened.i have rdmed my friend 2 times, and NLR

Why I now realize that it is important to have strong knowledge of the rules and follow them religiously:Because it will spoil the fun of roleplaying and willl disobey the rules.

Why I am sorry, and it will not happen again:Im sorry that i have RDM'ED 2x and disobeyed NLR.

Section 5: My knowledge of the rules
This section explains the RP rules.

What is RDM? Give an example. When you randomly kill someone with out any reason.

What is NLR? Give an example. New Life Rule which is when you forget what happened for 3 minutes

What is Prop Abuse? Give an example.Prop pushing,Blocking, and killing

Section 6: Why I should be a staff member:
This section is me selling myself to you for my qualities and promises on how I will moderate effectively and fairly.

Why would I be unique in what I do? (40 words minimum)I am unique because i am loyal,trusting and i would tell anyone if they are breaking NLR,Porp abuse,RDM,etc.

Why the community would appreciate & trust me in this role (60 words minimum):They would trust me because im respectful and trust worthy also if someone needs any questions answered i would answer as best as i could.

If I could make a change to E.N.D. Gaming, it would be:I would make multiple spawning points so people wouldnt rdm repeatedly in that one specific area.

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  Road Runners mod application
Posted by: Road Runner - 01-17-2016, 04:58 AM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (1)

Section 1: Credentials
This section tells you about who I am.

RP Name:Road Runner
Steam Name (at present):Road Runner
Steam ID (eg: STEAM_1:2:3456789):0:0:37650333

Country of Residence:U.S.
Languages I can 'meet & greet' in:English
Languages I am fluent in:English

My (written) English on a scale of 1-10:10

My Date of Birth:4-19-2004
Current Education (if applicable):Middle School

Do you have a microphone?Yes

Describe yourself & your personality in 150 characters:
Im a very nice,creative,funny,stubborn,and sympathetic person.I'm not mean unless I have a reason and Im not stubborn unless I have a reason.I have a big imagination and I use it a lot.

Section 2: Experience Profile
This section tells you about my experience with communities. 

Communities I have administrated/moderated in the past:I have not moderated yet in any communities.

My Summary of 'Zombie RP' and the basic rules in at least 100 words:Zombie RP is a server full of zombies,different levels,different jobs,and rules.The zombies can be slow or fast/running zombies and their objective is to kill you.The different jobs depend on the level that you are.You can be different tribals that start from level 1 to 100.There are new jobs called titans and titan hunters that range from level 150 to level 250.The titan hunters objective is to find/hunt the titans down and kill them whenever they see them.There are also other jobs like resistance,combine,and much more.Resistance and combine KOS each other which is an acronym for kill on sight.Usually KOS is not allowed unless you are a titan,combine,resistance,or tribals and most people kill tribals and some tribals kill people.Some of the main rules are NLR,RDM,and PROP ABUSE.RDM is an acronym for random death match and that is when you randomly kill somebody.NLR is an acronym for new life rule and that is when you are being raided/killed and you die and when you come back to the area and it has not been 3 minutes yet.PROP ABUSE is prop surfing or prop spamming and prop surfing is when you are riding a prop and prop spamming is when you are spawning in props but spamming them in.

How long I have played Garry's Mod:136 hours
How long I have played a RP Gamemode, such as DarkRP, ZombieRP, PERP, etc.(approximately):134 hours
How long I have played at E.N.D. Gaming (approximately):134 hours

How long I can play the server for per week (approximately):4 hours

How long I pledge to play as 'Staff on Duty' for per week (approximately):4 hours

Section 3: Relationship with Users
This section tells you about how I will communicate with other users and present myself in the public.

Why is it important to give respect to our patrons, even if they don't respect you? (at least 50 words)So that if they don't respect you you would still have to be respectful to them and set a good example and if you are being respectful and there not then maybe since they see that your being respectful that they maybe will be respectful to you and realize not to be disrespectful the next time.

Why is it important to use correct grammar in the public? (at least 50 words)So the players would understand what im trying to say and so if I warn somebody that I warn them for the right thing instead of giving them a warning for the wrong thing.And if the players understand what Im trying to say instead of me having to repeat myself over and over again and taking more time than I would need to.

In a democratic environment, why is it important to respect everyone's opinion? (at least 25 words)So you can hear everybody's side of the story and to know the truth and all about the story.It's still important to respect everybody's ideas because it may not be important to me but it's still important to know everything about the story.

How will I aim to maintain professionalism everywhere?I will be devoted and stay on task while Im on duty.

Section 4: My Past
This section discusses bans I have had in the past (if any) and what I have done to ensure that I no longer infringe upon the rules.

If you have never been punished for in game/forum offenses - please skip this section.

How many times have you been banned/warned before?I have been warned 6 times because one of my friends was messing around on my computer while I wasn't looking and they got me in trouble.I have only done two of the warnings because I was new to the server and I accidentally committed NLR twice and I didn't know what it was.

If you have, please explain what happened.What happened was they started spawn killing and breaking NLR.

Why I now realize that it is important to have strong knowledge of the rules and follow them religiously:So I know what rules not to break and if anybody is breaking the rules I know which ones they would have broken.

Why I am sorry, and it will not happen again:I am sorry that this happened and it will not happen again because I don't want to break the rules and set a bad example.

Section 5: My knowledge of the rules
This section explains the RP rules.

What is RDM? Give an example.RDM is an acronym for random death match and it is when a player kills another player randomly and an example is when somebody is out of spawn and you walk up to them and randomly kill them on purpose.

What is NLR? Give an example.NLR is an acronym for new life rule and it is when you get killed/raided and you die and you can't return to that area for 3 minutes.An example is when somebody got raided and it hasn't been 3 minutes and they return to that area.

What is Prop Abuse? Give an example.Prop abuse is when you are prop surfing/prop spamming.An example is when you are flying on a prop or you're spawning in a lot of props and spamming the server with the prop.

Section 6: Why I should be a staff member:
This section is me selling myself to you for my qualities and promises on how I will moderate effectively and fairly.

Why would I be unique in what I do? (40 words minimum)I would be unique in what I  do because if somebody new breaks a rule I would make sure that I tell them to read the rules and not to do it again or else I would give them a warning.

Why the community would appreciate & trust me in this role (60 words minimum):Because I would be a fair moderator and make sure everybody would know why they had gotten a warning and I would tell them don't do it again or they would get another warning.I would ask each person to tell me their side of the story and I would ask them questions about what had happened and why did they do it.

If I could make a change to E.N.D. Gaming, it would be:Every person that is new to the server should start off with a gun so they can get off on a start.

Any other comments, etc:

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  Moderator Application (Number 2)
Posted by: Kittenkat - 01-17-2016, 04:11 AM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (1)

Section 1: Credentials
This section tells you about who I am.

RP Name: Kittenkat
Steam Name (at present): Kittenkat
Steam ID : (STEAM_0:1:110401028)
Country of Residence: U.S.A.
Languages I can 'meet & greet' in: English
Languages I am fluent in: English and ASL

My (written) English on a scale of 1-10:

My Date of Birth: 
February 17 2000

Current Education (if applicable): 
High school (Currently enrolled)

Do you have a microphone?
 I currently own a microphone.

Describe yourself & your personality in 150 characters: 
 I would describe myslef as; Kind, understanding, patient, enthusiastic, outgoing, artistic, sarcastic, generous, welcoming, comforting, and persistent.

Section 2: Experience Profile
This section tells you about my experience with communities.

Communities I have administrated/moderated in the past:
 In the past I have moderated various Roblox servers.

My Summary of 'Zombie RP' and the basic rules in at least 100 words:
  Zombie RP is a role play game where you are able to be various jobs, build awesome bases, and kill some zombies. Of course you have to respect the rules such as: The new life rule's (NLR) which permits you for going to a place you died in during a raid for three miinutes.The random death match rules (RDM) which is where if you are anything besides tribal or in a Combine and Resistance battle, you are un-able to kill another player on purpose. As well as various rules on prop spam, prop surfing, which characters you can use to raid, and crashing the server.

How long I have played Garry's Mod: 
I have 189 hours on Garry's Mod to date.

How long I have played a RP Gamemode, such as DarkRP, ZombieRP, PER, etc.(approximately):
 I have around 180 hours.

How long I have played at E.N.D. Gaming (approximately):
 I have 164 hours currently on Zombie RP.

How long I can play the server for per week (approximately): 
I can for sure play 7 hours plus per week.

How long I pledge to play as 'Staff on Duty' for per week (approximately):
 I can pledge to be Staff on Duty at least 5 hours a week.

Section 3: Relationship with Users
This section tells you about how I will communicate with other users and present myself in the public. 

Why is it important to give respect to our patrons, even if they don't respect you? (at least 50 words)
 Respect is important to give to all people no matter the disrespect shown. To maintain your professionalism respect is a key element. Maintaining respect shows that your able to handle any situation thrown at you.

Why is it important to use correct grammar in the public? (at least 50 words) 
Grammar is a very easy thing to mess up, yet if you notice you have made a mistake it is better to fix it then just let it slide. Not only is it poor communication skills, but you can accidentally type something that you didn't mean, or if what you said is MIS-understood, it is easy to have problems escalate from them. No one likes conversing with someone who talks or types like an 8 year old girl.

In a democratic environment, why is it important to respect everyone's opinion? (at least 25 words) 
Touching back on respect, it is just as important to respect peoples' opinions. It's easy to get carried away with your own thoughts and actions, but you should always respect your peers opinions. Treat others the way you'd like to be treated.

How will I aim to maintain professionalism everywhere?
 I will maintain my professionalism through my work as a player, moderator or not. It is always important to be professional but have some fun too. I won't let any situation get the best of me, I will help others to the best of my abilities, and I will help Zombie RP grown in the Garry's Mod community.

Section 4: My Past

Section 5: My knowledge of the rules
This section explains the RP rules. In Zombie RP there are several rules. 
You have the New Life Rule (NLR), which is where you have to wait to go back to a raid for three minutes. There is Random death match (RDM), this is when you are neither in a Combine and Resistance batter, nor a tribal, and you still kill a random player. There are as well many rules on prop surfing, prop spam, server crashing, job switching after an offense, one way doors, keypads, locked down bases, spawn killing, KOS signs, and more.

What is RDM? Give an example. 
Random Death Match, also known as RDM is an offense where the play is neither combine-resistance or a tribal, and has killed a player without reason. An example would be of a doctor who randomly kills a scavenger, he had no reason, and he is not allowed to kill other players. This is a warn-able, ban-able, and a kick-able offense.

What is NLR? Give an example.
 The New Life Rule, also known as NLR. is an offence where the player is subjected to going back to a location within three minutes of their death during a raid. Although this is in place for everything it is mainly used for subjecting during a raid. For example a combine was raided at their base was killed and ran back while NLR was still applicable. This could get him a warning, and if done enough times a kick or a ban.

What is Prop Abuse? Give an example.
 Prop abuse can be considered to be many things, ranging from prop spam to prop surfing. Props are used to build a base, end of story, if they are used for anything else you can get in some deep trouble. Just as if a player spawned in a prop and decided to kill a player with it he would be making both an RDM (depending) and Prop abuse and would get one to two warnings.

Section 6: Why I should be a staff member:
This section is me selling myself to you for my qualities and promises on how I will moderate effectively and fairly.

Why would I be unique in what I do? (40 words minimum)
 I feel that I am already a very unique individual. I am full of love and compassion for the things that I do. I'd love to help shape Zombie RP and make it one of the best servers around. I have high hopes for myself, and I dedicate myself to things that I personally find important. I feel as being apart of the staff team I believe I would be able to help show how high quality the staff is on the server, and bring ideas to the board that benefits everyone.

Why the community would appreciate & trust me in this role (60 words minimum):
 I am active in the community and I know what I'm doing. I believe the community can see that in me and they will trust me to help them have the best gameplay experience, as well as have fun. By being a moderator it would if anything make me even more active in the community and get even more involved, which would make me a better player and bring more appreciation from the people towards not only me but the server too.

If I could make a change to E.N.D. Gaming, it would be: 
I love Zombie RP as it is but I think having some sort of difference in the map would be a nice change. 
Thank you for your time and consideration. 

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Star Screenshot Competition!
Posted by: Reaper Ravenpaw - 01-13-2016, 03:21 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (2)

Hello everyone! We are having a lovely little competition! Who ever can take best screenshots of the server wins! Obviously there are rules and catches.

1. There are three categories; Roleplay, Raiding, and Basing. The objective is to take screenshots of yourself(and friends). You can submit multiple photos but only one photo can win per category. 

2. Photos must be UNEDITED. No photoshop. HUD enabled.

3. The competition will be starting immediately and will be ending on the 22th of January at 11:59 pm EST.

4. Now the part you've been waiting for. The rewards of winning! 

1st place: 9 million in-game dollars!
2nd place: 7 million in-game dollars!
3rd place: 5 million in-game dollars!

1st place: 3 million in-game dollars!
2nd place: 2 million in-game dollars!
3rd place: 1 million in-game dollars!

1st place: 5 million in-game dollars!
2nd place: 4 million in-game dollars!
3rd place: 3 million in-game dollars!

Okay. Now that we've gotten all the fun stuff out of the way, the logistical stuff. We are looking for actual screen shots pertaining to the categories. If you submit a picture of a lump of shit and say its "raiding" and you're the only submitter, you will NOT be placed by default. We want actual screen shots. If your screen shot isn't suitable for the category, then it will be disregarded. 

Now with that said, It is entirely possible for winning places to not be filled. If we get no suitable entries, then no one will win. We want effort. Its a competition.

There will be a subforum to submit your pictures!

Now go out and get to taking those pictures!  Big Grin

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  More triabls/ Higher level Zombie Hunter
Posted by: Kittenkat - 12-26-2015, 05:19 AM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

Having more tribals with levels higher than 100...say 120 should be able to have perks of the Tribal Chief but add in a Damascus. There could also be a higher level zombie hunter with nerve gas and upgraded weapon.

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  Cockroachmachetes moderator application
Posted by: Cockroachmachete - 12-24-2015, 06:13 AM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (1)

Section 1: Credentials
This section tells you about who I am.

RP Name:Cockroachmachete
Steam Name (at present):[CE]cockroachmachete
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:27326395

Country of Residence: USA
Languages I can 'meet & greet' in: English
Languages I am fluent in: English and very basic spanish

My (written) English on a scale of 1-10: 10

My Date of Birth: 09/16/1999
Current Education (if applicable): High School

Do you have a microphone? Yes.

Describe yourself & your personality in 150 characters: Chill,Enthusiastic,Respectful,Responsible,Kind,Patient,Considerate,Forgiving,Persistant,and Intelegent. 

Section 2: Experience Profile
This section tells you about my experience with communities.

Communities I have administrated/moderated in the past:Minecraft servers,previous ZRP servers(i admined for astrid),and Dark rp server.

My Summary of 'Zombie RP' and the basic rules in at least 100 words:
Zombie rp is a roleplay which is a mix of dark rp and zombies.The rules are the basic advert raid mug and carjack aswell as the dont rdm and dont be an asshole

How long I have played Garry's Mod:i have currently logged over 1100 hours of gmod playtime
How long I have played a RP Gamemode, such as DarkRP, ZombieRP, PERP, etc.(approximately):
How long I have played at E.N.D. Gaming (approximately):aproxx 4-5 days 

How long I can play the server for per week (approximately):
Atleast 4 hours that i could be sure that i would play but im sure there will be more than four hours.
How long I pledge to play as 'Staff on Duty' for per week (approximately):
I can be sure of atleast 2-3 hours but I will strive to achieve more than that.

Section 3: Relationship with Users
This section tells you about how I will communicate with other users and present myself in the public.

Why is it important to give respect to our patrons, even if they don't respect you? (at least 50 words)
So that it doesnt cause player server problems aswell as it doesnt negativly affect other players as if the player gets mad they will be more likly to cause issues with other players and to uphold the reputation of the E.N.D gaming staff.
Why is it important to use correct grammar in the public? (at least 50 words)
to uphold your reputation and to appear as if your not a unknownladgeable person which would possibly affect how players listen to you and other staff as well as the reputation of E.N.D staff.
In a democratic environment, why is it important to respect everyone's opinion? (at least 25 words)
To be a supportive of others ideas and to help maintain the peace and I will not always be correct all the time so it would be a smart idea to respect all opinions
How will I aim to maintain professionalism everywhere?
I will respect all players and players ideas and I will will try to be a generally good person and supportive of all of the player base.

Section 4: My Past
This section discusses bans I have had in the past (if any) and what I have done to ensure that I no longer infringe upon the rules.    
- I have not had any bans in the past and i would make sure to check rules to be sure i do not get banned ever.

If you have never been punished for in game/forum offenses - please skip this section.

How many times have you been banned/warned before?

If you have, please explain what happened.

Why I now realize that it is important to have strong knowledge of the rules and follow them religiously:

Why I am sorry, and it will not happen again:

Section 5: My knowledge of the rules
This section explains the RP rules.

What is RDM? Give an example.
RDM is known as Random Death Match an example would be if i was playing to just walk up to a random player and shoot them.

What is NLR? Give an example.
NLR is also known as New Life Rule and an example would be me getting killed and going straight back without waiting the proper NLR time.

What is Prop Abuse? Give an example.
prop abuse is the use of props to block entryways without an accesable entry to prop surfing another form of prop abuse would be using a prop to kill another player.

Section 6: Why I should be a staff member:
This section is me selling myself to you for my qualities and promises on how I will moderate effectively and fairly.

Why would I be unique in what I do? (40 words minimum)
I would strive to become a trusted and valued member of the E.N.D gaming staff and to support the player base and help grow the server and give all players an excellent play time on the amazing server.
Why the community would appreciate & trust me in this role (60 words minimum):
I beleive the community would appreciate me is I would be a fair and understanding admin but know when to lay down the law and take care of the problematic issues at hand and i would assit the players in having a wonderful stay at E.N.D gaming.
If I could make a change to E.N.D. Gaming, it would be:
I would add a vote kick system and a warning for when the server restarts but I would also add more maps so that when the server has to restart anyways the active players could vote on the map which would come next until the next restart and i would add more weapons to the server as there is a limited selection currently
Any other comments, etc: I would love to become a staff member and I hope you consider me to join the ranks Smile

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  Kittenkat's Moderator application
Posted by: Kittenkat - 12-23-2015, 11:41 PM - Forum: Denied - No Replies

Section 1: Credentials

This section tells you about who I am.

RP Name: Kittenkat
Steam Name (at present): Kittenkat
Steam ID: (STEAM_0:1:110401028

Country of Residence: America
Languages I can 'meet & greet' in: English
Languages I am fluent in: ASL & English

My (written) English on a scale of 1-10: 10

My Date of Birth: 02/17/00
Current Education (if applicable): 10th

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Describe yourself & your personality in 150 characters: I am welcoming, Outgoing, kind, responsible, enthuastic, goofy, tollerant, patient, persistant, understanding, sarcastic at times, and helpful.

Section 2: Experience Profile
This section tells you about my experience with communities.

Communities I have administrated/moderated in the past: Roblox servers

My Summary of 'Zombie RP' and the basic rules in at least 100 words: Respect the NLR: Wait 3 minutes before you can go back, No RDM: so kill anyone without reason unles your a tribal. Don't prop spam, kill others with props, or prop surf. Cant have the full body of an oil or meth merchant in a base, have no have keycodes on all doors besides ones you can open with keys, Dont be a total dick to people, no one way doors. Can't shoot down drones unless your being raided or attacked. Some jobs such as doctors can't raid. Combine and resistance are always at war they can shoot the hell out of eachother. Tribals can kill anyone outside of spawn. Dont crash the server.

How long I have played Garry's Mod: 91 hours
How long I have played a RP Gamemode, such as DarkRP, ZombieRP, PERP, etc.(approximately): 89 hours
How long I have played at E.N.D. Gaming (approximately): 87 hours

How long I can play the server for per week (approximately): 18 hours

How long I pledge to play as 'Staff on Duty' for per week (approximately): 10 hours

Section 3: Relationship with Users

This section tells you about how I will communicate with other users and present myself in the public.

Why is it important to give respect to our patrons, even if they don't respect you? Users are just people we all have emotions, some are just playing after a long day and others are bored and have nothing else to do. People can be in different moods andhave different tollerences. Some are more respectful than others. Some view themselves higher than others, giving less respect. No matter the circumstance people always deserve respect.

Why is it important to use correct grammar in the public? It is important to use correct grammar in the public because you can be misunderstood or taken the wrong way. By using correct grammar you are able to get your point clear across.

In a democratic environment, why is it important to respect everyone's opinion? People are entitled to their own opinions and thus have their own thoughs on subjects and are entitled to share thouse thoughts, even if your opinion conflicts them you should stil respect theirs.

How will I aim to maintain professionalism everywhere? Be tollerant for everything, understand, and don't make hasty decisions. Be kind and assertive.

Section 4: My Past
This section discusses bans I have had in the past (if any) and what I have done to ensure that I no longer infringe upon the rules.


Section 5: My knowledge of the rules
This section explains the RP rules.

What is RDM? Give an example. Random death match. This is when a player un-rightfully kills another while minding their own business

What is NLR? Give an example. New life rule. You may not go back to a raid if you died within a three minute period or if under attact you may not go back to help within three minutes.

What is Prop Abuse? Give an example. Prop abuse is prop spam, Hitting others with props, prop blocking, or prop surfing.

Section 6: Why I should be a staff member:
This section is me selling myself to you for my qualities and promises on how I will moderate effectively and fairly.

Why would I be unique in what I do? I am tollerant towards situations and kind to everyone. I have not abused the rules and will continue to play under said rules. I'd like to help people who are new/ in need of assistance and direct to have a more rounded server.

Why the community would appreciate & trust me in this role: I've been kind to all members in the community and have been generous to other players who are new showing them how to play and giving them a good start.

If I could make a change to E.N.D. Gaming, it would be: A vote map system where the map changes every 12 hours. Users will vote for a map and majority rules.

Any other comments, etc: Thank you for taking your time to read and concider my forum.

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  More weapons
Posted by: Cockroachmachete - 12-23-2015, 10:45 PM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

FI would like to suggest that more CW 2.0 weapons be added to the zrp server as it would add more weapons to be used as a small selection can become a little old after a time and it would be nice to see more of all types of weapons added to the server and i would be more than happy to help search for weapons to add.

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  EatingTacoBandit Moderator Application
Posted by: EatingTacoBandog - 12-23-2015, 07:37 PM - Forum: Denied - No Replies

Section 1: Credentials

This section tells you about who I am.

RP Name:
Steam Name (at present):EatingTacoBandits
Steam ID (eg: STEAM_1:2:3456789):

Country of Residence:North America
Languages I can 'meet & greet' in:English
Languages I am fluent in:English

My (written) English on a scale of 1-10:8

My Date of Birth:
Current Education (if applicable):06/07/2004

Do you have a microphone?Yes

Describe yourself & your personality in 150 characters:I'm  twelve and enjoy playing games and I follow rules and love zombie survival games and just having fun but  also a bit of a rule follower.That's Me

Section 2: Experience Profile
This section tells you about my experience with communities.I have a good experience with thee ZombieRP server and I don't have grudges but when I play a game mode say prop hunt everyone likes me except some but most do and they say I'm a good guy to have around.

Communities I have administrated/moderated in the past:Well I never play any server but your ZombieRP and a prop hunt or hide and seek but i act as a moderator on all servers even if I'm not one but on this server I'm taking the next step.

My Summary of 'Zombie RP' and the basic rules in at least 100 words:- Rule RDM - You may not kill another player unless they are tribal or raiding you - Rule Advert Raid - You must do /advert raid before raiding another player and it helps for people raiding along with you to do /advert raid assist. - Rule RDA - You may only arrest players if they have illegal items - Rule NLR - Do not go back to ur place of death for 3 minutes - Rule Props - Do not prop surf or spam props it crashes the game - Rule Spawn Kiling - Do not go in spawn and start shooting new spawning player And I beleive  i covered all major rules 

How long I have played Garry's Mod:133
How long I have played a RP Gamemode, such as DarkRP, ZombieRP, PERP, etc.(approximately):120
How long I have played at E.N.D. Gaming (approximately): 100

How long I can play the server for per week (approximately):20 

How long I pledge to play as 'Staff on Duty' for per week (approximately):15

Section 3: Relationship with Users

This section tells you about how I will communicate with other users and present myself in the public.Well when I join I'm out going so i befriend fast and a lot of people like me

Why is it important to give respect to our patrons, even if they don't respect you? (at least 50 words) It is always important to respect not only to not angry the patron and make them upset but also just to be a kind person because it pays off and treat others the way you want to be treated it's what I by.

Why is it important to use correct grammar in the public? (at least 50 words)Using correct grammar shows how good a person is so say a person has grammar like a 5 year old they are not as respected as a person due to the way they speak.But if the person has good grammar like say a E.L.A.R teacher they are respected more.

In a democratic environment, why is it important to respect everyone's opinion? (at least 25 words)Everyone has a value and opinions speak that value out loud and hearing them out may be the answer you need and everyone deserves a chance to say something.

How will I aim to maintain professionalism everywhere?

Section 4: My Past
This section discusses bans I have had in the past (if any) and what I have done to ensure that I no longer infringe upon the rules.

If you have never been punished for in game/forum offenses - please skip this section.

How many times have you been banned/warned before? I've been warned three times all on one server because I didn't know the rules of it but now i redeem my self by trying to help out people get those rules known.

If you have, please explain what happened. I didn't know the rules of it but now i redeem my self by trying to help out people get those rules known and to become a moderator on it.

Why I now realize that it is important to have strong knowledge of the rules and follow them religiously:Not knowing the rules was painful when I was warned I realized I may not have a chance to become a moderator ever but I'm giving it a try anyway

Why I am sorry, and it will not happen again:I am sorry because I always wanted to be a moderator and breaking those rules may have just prevented me from ever becoming one plus I mean I broke the rules and it was very wrong.

Section 5: My knowledge of the rules
This section explains the RP rules.

What is RDM? Give an example. Say a Resistance walks up resistance a resistance and they kill each other right outside of spawn.

What is NLR? Give an example. It is when you die you have to wait three minutes before going back.

What is Prop Abuse? Give an example. Prop abuse is when you prop surf and/or prop spam.

Section 6: Why I should be a staff member:
This section is me selling myself to you for my qualities and promises on how I will moderate effectively and fairly.

Why would I be unique in what I do? (40 words minimum)I'm a unique person in the way I lead instead of telling what to do I let them say their opinions and I use them to lead giving them credit and I'ts always great to see a server follow the rules but also be having fun and enjoy them selves.

Why the community would appreciate & trust me in this role (60 words minimum):I have a good reputation on this server for like my bases and people think I'm a good guy and all but people also know I'm understanding and trust worthy and they know I wouldn't abuse the power that this role would give me.With this power and responsibility given to me I would embrace it and help players in need of it but also keep them out of trouble at any cost.

If I could make a change to E.N.D. Gaming, it would be: I would maybe to a every 12 hour map change through a cycle of say 5 maps that way people don't get bored of one map.

Any other comments, etc:No other comments 

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